Whitney Wright
Birthday: 1991-09-20
About: Whitney Wright, an American pornographic actress and erotic photo model.

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Whitney Wright, born on September 20, 1991, in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, is an American pornographic actress and erotic photo model. With a height of 5 feet 6 inches, she has made her mark in the adult entertainment industry.

Wright began her career as an erotic photo model, capturing attention with her unique beauty and captivating presence. Her foray into the world of adult films came soon after, and she quickly gained recognition for her performances marked by both passion and professionalism.

Beyond her on-screen appearances, Whitney Wright has also made contributions to the industry through her dedication to her craft and her commitment to her fans. She has embraced the evolving landscape of adult entertainment, using her platform to engage with audiences and promote discussions around various aspects of the industry.

As of her 31st year, Whitney Wright continues to be a notable figure in the world of adult entertainment, leaving an indelible mark with her talents and her role in shaping the industry's modern landscape.

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