Lauren Phillips
Birthday: 1987-12-08
About: Lauren Phillips, American pornographic actress,erotic photo model.

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Lauren Phillips is an American pornographic actress and erotic photo model, recognized for her contributions in the adult entertainment industry. Born on December 8, 1987, in Atlantic City, New Jersey, she has left a significant mark on the field. Standing tall at 5 feet 10 inches, Lauren Phillips commands attention both for her stature and performances.

In addition to her on-screen work, Lauren Phillips is also an accomplished erotic photo model, showcasing her versatility and presence in various aspects of the adult industry. Her dedication and impact led her to earn the NightMoves Award in 2016, solidifying her status as a notable figure.

With a silicone-enhanced bust, Lauren Phillips has garnered attention not only for her physical attributes but also for her performances. Her tattoos, numbering six, along with her navel piercing contribute to her unique aesthetic.

Lauren Phillips' dynamic presence in the adult industry, both as a performer and a model, has established her as an influential personality. With her achievements and ongoing career, she remains a celebrated and recognized figure among fans and peers.

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